Wednesday 26 November 2014

Keeping Up With College Assignments And Shows

Hello Whoniverse, me again and I'm here after being away for a while, sorry!

There are always a few times throughout college and high school where some of us know that we need a break from it all, that we think, or subconsciously think that the teachers know that your on the point of a meltdown and yet they pile more work onto the already huge and mountainous workload! To any teachers who happen to be reading this, this is a plee of warning from all us snowed under students! Please give us a break of work for at least a week while we regather our teathers, thoughts and strength!!!!!!!! It would be much appreciated!

In some cases It's unfortunate for me as I'm studying a performing arts course in technical theatre, which by the way includes a lot of highly strung performers, dancers and actors. Who often put the blame on the 'techies', all part of the job / role for me might I add! Who, of which are the bases of the shows without techies there is no lighting,  no sound,  no directions and no script for them to know their lines and cues. Basicaly techies hold the power to make their lives easy or hard as hell.

So I say bye and see you 'till next time! And remember happy techies make your life easy, pissed off techies have the power to make your life a living hell! ~ Helene xx

I'm also in the process of rebuilding and designing this blog, I also have a few changes to make to this post so check back again to see !

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