Sunday 27 September 2015


Hello everyone,

Music is a perfect conversation starter for many people, wether they be a quiet and a keeps to herself person like me or just loud and obnoxiously arrogant in a great way of course like many of the great friends and people I've had in my life so far.

I knew I've always had an interest in listening to a certain type of music and some people might even say I have an eclectic preference to my music.  But I've often felt a bit restricted to listening to the same artists, bands and tracks over and over, sometimes only for a few weeks or days but also sometimes a month or two (I think the longest time that I have listened to the same song on repeat was probably two months).

This time however I have been on YouTube a lot and thanks to the help of YouTube and the playlist feature people have I have been creating my own, broadening my knowledge on music I already love and like as well as creating my own niche!

 I think thats a thing?, if its not I don't care I've made it one!

Although I've only chosen 7 it was incredibly hard to choose between them all, there are so many that I love.

Also who likes my new Autumnal blog, I have might also have one in mind fro Christmas when it comes around, what do you all think?


Anyway the 7 songs from OMAM for Autumn that I am suggesting are:

1. Of Monsters and Men - Human 

I find that the actor in this video just makes it even more exciting 
and enjoyable than it already is to begin with his energy is captivating and brilliant!

2. Of Monsters and Men - Empire 

3. Of Monsters and Men - Crystals 

4. Of Monsters and Men - King And Lionheart 

5. Of Monsters and Men - I Of The Storm 

6. Of Monsters and Men - Hunger 

7. Of Monsters and Men - Mountain Sound 

Stay cool, Helene xx

Friday 25 September 2015


Hello and a big Welcome Back!

Well its been a long tome since I've written a post for you guys and girls, its been a few months I think... *a disappointed shake of the head and an acceptance sigh*!

It has suddenly dawned on me that I have had this blog for a year and four months, long time eh?
And that I think many people have been thinking the same thing about my blog, and that there really hasn't been anything new to get drawn into.   To be quite honest with you all I think its one of those things that I go through phases of loving and wanting to do more with then sometimes I just don't really know what to do to it so I leave it for a bit, sometimes thats longer than I would really like to! But hey, I have other things that need my attention and focus more. Like a college course and work that needs to be completed. (And a life away from this blog!)  

Its very easy to put a lot of effort into one thing, and one falls behind without even really noticing! (funny that..)  which as time went on, meant that this blog became more and more neglected and tired looking. sorry again for that..

If you have been here from the start then welcome back my blog and I have missed you. But if you're new around here then hello, take a seat, grab a hot drink and a cosy blanket and enjoy the things on here, Helene Smith xx


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